???option.TituloSitioWeb.master??? in Industrial Engineering


Pre-registration and Enrollment

Course 2024-25

Pre-registration must be done online: http://www.udl.cat/ca/estudis/poficials_preinscripcio/

The registration andits modificationcan be done by online system or in person at the secretariat of the Centre requesting an appointment.

Internet access: http://automatricula.udl.cat/


  • Preregistration: from March 1 to July 5, 2024
  • Resolution: July 23, 2024
  • Registration: July 29 and 30, 2024
  • Changes in registration: October 3 and 4, 2024

Resolution of the pre-registration of the first term: First term resolution 2024-25

SECOND PERIOD (in case there are still vacancies)

  • Preregistration: from July 31 to September 9, 2024
  • Resolution: September 19, 2024
  • Registration: September 24 and 25, 2024
  • Changes in registration: October 4 and 5, 2024

In case there are still vacancies there may be a special period for registration.

General criteria admission

General criteria for admission to Master's studies in Industrial Engineering

Section 4.2 of the Annex associated with Ministerial Order CIN/311/2009 specifies that any student admitted to the master’s degree must fulfil some of the following conditions:

  1. In order to accede to the master’s degree which qualifies students to practise the profession of industrial engineer, they must previously acquire competences mentioned in section 3 of the Ministerial Order establishing requirements for verification of officially recognized university qualifications entitling students to carry out the profession of technical industrial engineer, in agreement with what has been established in section 5 of aforementioned Ministerial Order. Foreign graduates with a validated1 university degree may also accede to this and other master’s degrees.
  2. Students will have access to the master’s degree if their academic qualification certifies that their course included a basic core module and a common branch module, even if this does not cover a complete block on specific technology, and if 48 credits of those offered in all the blocks of that module of a bachelor’s degree entitle students to work as technical industrial engineers, in accordance with the aforementioned Ministerial order.
  3. Students who have any other bachelor’s degree will also be allowed to accede to this master’s degree but, in this case, complementary academic modules may be established if necessary.

1The validation of the title must be done at the corresponding ministry of the Spanish Gobernment.

Complementary modules

In the case of the future graduates with different bachelor’s degrees derived from Order CIN/351/2009, it will not be necessary to carry out any complementary academic module to undertake this master’s degree. Instead, and in accordance with section 4.2.3 of the Annex associated with Ministerial Order CIN/311/2009, students who have a degree in Technical Industrial Engineering that is not adapted to the EHEA must take complementary academic modules to ensure acquisition of all competences described in section 3 of aforementioned Ministerial Order. The Master’s Degree Committee will follow any existing agreements on this matter established by the Inter-university Council of Catalonia (CIC) or the University Council.

In specific cases, the Master’s Degree Committee will examine every particular case, ensuring accomplishment of all complementary modules needed to allow students to acquire the competences mentioned in section 3 of Ministerial Order CIN/351/2009.

The complementary academic modules described will be extracurricular subjects within the syllabus of the master’s degree. Under no circumstances shall taking them account as part of 120 ECTS associate with the syllabus of the master’s degree.

IMPORTANT: When disparity between the candidate’s prior learning and the level necessary to accede to the master’s degree requires taking a complementary module with more than 24 ECTS, the student will not be admitted to the master course.

EPS-UdL Admission Criteria

The academic profile of a student who wishes to access this Master's Degree is established by section 4.2 of the Annex associated with Ministerial Order CIN/311/2009, without prejudice to the provisions of article 18 and the first additional provision of RD822/2021.
The majority of applicants to the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering will come from the degrees associated with the profession of Industrial Technical Engineer (degrees established by Order CIN/351/2009), degree degrees in the field of industrial engineering (Degree in Energy and Sustainability Engineering, Degree in Industrial Organization and Logistics, Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering, or similar) or those Industrial Technical Engineering degrees prior to the EEES.
The applications collected will be ordered according to the following criteria:
  • Be in possession of an official university degree that enables you to practice the regulated profession of Industrial Technical Engineer.
  • Be in possession of an official university degree in the engineering and architecture branch.
  • Be in possession of an official university degree in the scientific branch.
  • Be in possession of any other official university degree.
Likewise, those who are in possession of any other degree may access this Master's degree, without prejudice to the fact that in this case the prior training supplements that are deemed necessary are established. In no case may the completion of training supplements exceed 24 ECTS.
The ordering of the admitted applications will be done exclusively according to the academic criterion of the average grade of the record.
Within the framework of the ninth additional provision of RD 822/2021, the University of Lleida offers three academic Programs with successive paths in Industrial Engineering that define access itineraries to the Master's degree for students who access the Degrees through this entry route (PARS Studies (Grau+Màster))
  • PARS in Industrial Engineering via Mechanical Engineering Degree.
  • PARS in Industrial Engineering via Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering.
  • PARS in Industrial Engineering via Degree in Energy and Sustainability Engineering.
In accordance with article 18.4 of RD 822/2021, exceptionally, a Bachelor's student who has yet to pass the TFG and a maximum of 9 ECTS credits will be allowed to access and enroll in the Master's degree, although in no case will he or she be able to obtain the Master's degree if he or she has not previously obtained the Bachelor's degree. Students who have an official university Bachelor's degree will have priority in enrollment.
Any student who is admitted to the master's degree may take the dual training mention, if he or she so wishes, and if he or she passes a selection process of the companies that participate in the dual training program.
The process to follow to apply for admission to the dual training mention is reported through the Master's website. In this web space details of the training proposals of the collaborating companies, as well as general information on the procedures, calendars and contractual conditions can be consulted.

+ Information

General regulations and procedure for access

The general regulations and procedure for access to the Master's Degree at the University of Lleida can be consulted at the following link:

General regulations and procedure for access of students to the Master's Degree


Regulations of registration

Regulations of registration


Registration periods