The Metallotolerance and biosorption of As(V) and Cr(VI) by Black Fungi |
2024 |
Medina Armijo, Cristy; Isola, Daniela; Illa, Josep; Puerta, Anna; Viñas, Marc; Prenafeta , Francesc X. Boldú; |
Article d'investigació |
Quality and volatile organic compounds emission alterations in 'August Flame' peaches due to low dose methyl bromide fumigation |
2021 |
Torregrosa, Laia; Illa, Josep; Allen, David; Stefanelli, Dario |
Article d'investigació |
Combined Acidification and Solar Drying of Pig Slurries for Nutrient Recovery and Controlled Atmospheric Emissions |
2021 |
Prenafeta Boldú, Francesc X.; Fernández, Belén; Viñas, Marc; Noguerol, Joan; Soler, Joan; Illa, Josep |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of Harvesting Age and Size Reduction in the Performance of Anaerobic Digestion of Pennisetum Grass |
2020 |
Pizarro Loaiza, Carlos Alexander; Torres Lozada, Patricia; Illa Alibés, Josep; Palatsi Civit, Jordi; Bonmatí Blasi, August |
Article d'investigació |
Emission of VOCs and quality evolution in response to repeated oxygen pull downs on 'Conference' pears during long-term cold storage |
2020 |
Torregrosa, Laia; Echevarria, Gemma; Illa, Josep; Giné Bordonaba, Jordi |
Article d'investigació |
Spatial distribution of flavor components and antioxidants in the flesh of 'Conference' pears and its relationship with postharvest pathogens susceptibility |
2020 |
Torregrosa, Laia; Echevarria, Gemma; Illa, Josep; Torres, Rosario; Giné Bordonaba, Jordi |
Article d'investigació |
Ripening behaviour and consumer acceptance of 'Conference' pears during shelf life after long term DCA-storage |
2019 |
Torregrosa, Laia; Echevarria, Gemma; Illa, Josep; Giné Bordonaba, Jordi |
Article d'investigació |
Assessment of the impact of non-uniform illumination and temperature profiles on a dense array CPV receiver performance |
2018 |
Fernández, Álvaro; Laguna, Gerard; Rosell, Joan; Vilarrubí, Montse; Ibañez, Manel; Sisó, Gonzalo; Illa, Josep; Barrau, Jérôme |
Article d'investigació |
Numerical parametric study of a hotspot-targeted microfluidic cooling array for microelectronics |
2018 |
Laguna, G.; Vilarrubí, M.; Ibañez, M.; Betancourt, Y.; Illa, J.; Azarkish, H.; Amnache, A.; Collin, L.M.; Coudrain, P.; Fréchette, L.: Barrau, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Downstream bioprocessing of CS2-polluted emissions: Innovative use of a black slag in mixed biofilters |
2015 |
Naiara Rojo; Francesc X. Prenafeta; Josep Illa; Gorka Gallastegui; Miriam Guivernau; Ana Elías; Astrid Barona |
Article d'investigació |
Thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with grease waste: Effect of long chain fatty acids in the methane yield and its dewatering properties |
2014 |
Silvestre, G.; Illa, J.; Fernández, B.; Bonmatí, A. |
Article d'investigació |
Microbial community dynamics in two-chambered microbial fuell cells: effect of different ion exchange membranes |
2014 |
Ana Sotres; Jordi Díaz-Marcos; Miriam Guivernau; Josep Illa; Albert Magrí; Francesc Xavier Prenafeta-Boldú; August Bonmatí; Marc Viñas |
Article d'investigació |
Development of a global framework for the mathematical modelling of the composting process |
2013 |
Josep Illa; Xavier Flotats |
Article en llibre |
Empirical characterisation and mathematical modelling of settlement in composting batch reactors |
2012 |
Illa J, Prenafeta FX, Bonmatí A, Flotats X. |
Article d'investigació |
Long-chain fatty acids inhibition and adaptation process in anaerobic thermophilic digestion: Batch tests, microbial community structure and mathematical modelling |
2010 |
Palatsi J, Illa J, Prenafeta-Boldú FX, Laureni M, Fernández B, Angelidaki I, Flotats X. |
Article d'investigació |
Identifying anaerobic digestion models using simultaneous batch experiments |
2010 |
X. Flotats, J. Palatsi, B. Fernández, A. Colomer. J. Illa. |
Article d'investigació |
Physicochemical characterization of a biofilter packing for the modeling of dispersion and sorption of ammonia |
2009 |
Francesc Xavier Prenafeta-Boldú; Albert Magrí; Guillermo Baquerizo; Josep Illa |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
Modelización del proceso de compostaje: integración de los procesos físicos y biológicos |
2009 |
J.Illa; F.Solé-Mauri |
Acta congrés |
Influence of synthetic packing materials on the gas dispersion and biodegradation kinetics in fungal air biofilters |
2008 |
Francesc X.Prenafeta-Boldú; Josep Illa; Johan W. van Groenestijn; Xavier Flotats |
Article d'investigació |
An integrated biochemical and physical model for the composting process |
2006 |
Solé-Mauri F, Illa J, Magri A, Prenafeta-Boldú FX, Flotats X. |
Article d'investigació |
Exergetic optimization of solar collector and thermal energy storage system |
2006 |
Aghbalou F, Badia F, Illa J. |
Article d'investigació |
Heat and mass transfer during adsorption of ammonia in a cylindrical adsorbent bed: thermal performance study of a combined parabolic solar collector, water heat pipe and adsorber generator assembly |
2004 |
Aghbalou F, Minet A, Badia F, Illa J, Bouardi A, Bougard J. |
Article d'investigació |
Immersion corrosion tests on metal-salt hydrate pairs used for latent heat storage in the 32 to 36°C temperature range |
2001 |
Cabeza LF, Illa J, Roca J, Badia F, Mehling H, Hiebler S, Ziegler F. |
Article d'investigació |
Middle term immersion corrosion tests on metalsalt hydrate pairs used for latent heat storage in the 32 to 36ºC temperature range |
2001 |
Cabeza LF, Illa J, Roca J, Badia F, Mehling H, Hiebler S, Ziegler F. |
Article d'investigació |