Master's degree in Industrial Engineering



The Polytechnic School (EPS) of the University of Lleida (UdL) implemented, in a pioneering way at the state level, the Dual Training modality in its offer of master's degrees (Master in Industrial Engineering and Master in Computer Engineering) and, later in the Degree in Technical Architecture and Building and the Degree in Techniques of Digital Communication and Computing.

Dual Training is based on the principle of complementarity of learning in an academic environment and in a professional environment. The student becomes the learner who studies. It is a type of training that is carried out in alternation between the university and the company and in which the student is offered a paid employment contract and the recognition of credits made in the company.


Methological Framework Document

The dual training methodology for both bachelor's and master's degrees of the Polytechnic School of the University of Lleida is detailed in the Methodological Framework document.


International students are enrolled in the company by means of extracurricular full-time practices.


The full-time internship contract considers that a portion of the day the studen is placed at the company and another part is devoted to the academic training in the master, as established in the training plan defined individually for each student.

During academic periods, students will combine their training by developing tasks in the company (4 hours daily) and tracking studies (4 hours daily). This proportion can be changed during the last semester of the studies, as established in the training plan to be developed for each student.

During periods without classes, students attend full time to the company.


The dual training period starts on October 2018 until September 2020. This period may vary according to each particular situation.

Subjects recognition

Each company must choose the subjects and optativity where the training done in the company fits. The students must take this optativity if they want to enrol in that particular position.

Enrolment and timing

The steps to follow to enrol in the Dual Training of the MEIND are:

May: EPS and comanies publish the positions for dual training for the students starting the Master the next year.

Until June 10th, 2019:

  1. Enrol to MEIND
  2. Contact the coordinator of Dual Training to be included in the specific space in the virtual campus. Send an email to: with the following data: Name of the student, UdL email, and National Identity Card number.
  3. Go to the space "Formació Dual MEIND / Dual Training MEIND" in the virtual campus
  4. Access to the open activity to:
  • Fill out the form with the prioritization of companies
  • Upload your Curriculum Vitae
  • Upload you academic record
  • Upload Cover letter

June 17th, 2019: the Curriculum Vitae, the academic record, and the Cover letter will be send to the companies selected by the students.


  1. The companies will start the selection process.
  2. Each company will contact the candidate students.
  3. Before (Date to be determined -July) the companies will notify the students and EPS about their selection.

In September a second round of selection will be done for those students who had not been assigned a company in July.

In October the selected students will start the Dual Training in the MEIND.


Offers Dual Training of the MEIND for the course 2023-24













E3G Enginyeria















RCT Enginyeria


(After Sales)










Grup Vall Companys

(Purchasing  GRAL CIA.)

List of collaborating companies

List of Collaborating Companies in the Dual Training of the MEIND


Alier S.A. is a paper industrial company founded in 1833 that specializes in the transformation of recovered paper into CartonWall (Plasterboard), a market in which we are world leaders. We carry out the entire production process in our facilities, from the preparation of pulps to water purification, having our own cogeneration plant and the relevant logistics infrastructure.

We have an annual output of 170,000 tons of paper, exporting more than 90% of our production to countries in Europe, Africa, America and Asia. We strongly believe in Italy and teamwork, as well as in sustainability, which is why we set guidelines in our process to eliminate the environmental impact of resource use.. WEB



Since 1951 AMES has been dedicated to the manufacture and sale of sintered metal components. Our headquarters are located in Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona).

We are a financially and technologically independent company, with 100% Spanish capital. With production centers in Spain, Hungary, USA and China, we have a global sales and technical assistance network that serves more than 600 customers located in more than 50 countries. WEB

AMES is one of the world leaders in the manufacture of sintered components in large series, our main products being the following:

  • Components mecànics i hidràulics
  • Peces dentades
  • Peces magnètiques dolces
  • Peces d'acer inoxidable
  • Filtres i components metàl·lics porosos
  • Coixinets autolubiricats sinteritzats



Arcusin is a leading company in the agricultural sector, specializing in technological and innovative solutions. It develops and manufactures machinery specialized in the handling of straw bales as well as vibratory olive harvesters, which increases efficiency and saves costs for farmers all over the world.
It is a company with a young and dynamic mentality, driven by third generation management members and with a majority of engineers in each department.
It shares a common vision of revolutionizing the agricultural industry through innovation, without losing the spirit of being a united family. Each team member plays a vital role in Arcusin's success, always looking for new ways to serve and support farmers around the world.
With this combination of talent and passion, Arcusin is destined to continue to lead the industry with its innovative spirit and a team committed to providing the best solutions to farmers. WEB



Food industry dedicated to the production and distribution of meat products and food solutions. With about 1,500 employees, 4 production plants and 8 logistics centers nationwide. Each of the plants is specialized in the production of different types of product. Also with an international presence, it has 3 subsidiaries (France, Germany and the Netherlands). WEB



BonÀrea agrupa is a conglomerate of companies, which around their main activity, agri-food, develop other lines of business, as unknown as the distribution of computer products, with two stores and the activity of telecommunications operator, obtaining internet and telephony services in a part of La Segarra.

Our entrepreneurial nature has led us to get involved in areas such as artificial vision, robotics, and even in the development of our own electronics, always with the aim of optimizing and improving processes. At the technological level, the size of the company gives us the opportunity to work with the most advanced technologies, together with the large team of bonÀrea IT formed by more than 100 professionals. WEB



Global Agri-Food Group of family and Mediterranean origin with more than 121 years of history and a strong international presence. Leaders in farm management, industrial processing, packaging and marketing of olive and seed oils, nuts, dried fruit, Modena vinegar, pasta and snacks WEB



We are a company with more than 20 years of experience, specializing in installation and industrial projects, energy management and legal engineering.

The aim is to ensure that our projects have an efficient use of energy and optimal functionality of the facilities by implementing the most appropriate technology in our projects so that the facilities are more functional and sustainable.

E3G's areas of work are in the architecture and industry sectors. And our clients come from various fields such as architecture offices, public administration, developers, industries or retail companies.

In the course of these 20 years, E3G has established itself as a reference engineering specialist in all kinds of installations and we are committed to continuous growth throughout the territory. Since October 2020, E3G has incorporated K2 Consulting, adding synergies and forming a team that multiplies quality and services, and we are also establishing a new work center in Barcelona. WEB



They have been in the world meat market for over 50 years and are producers of quality meat, specializing in a convenient and tailor-made product. It has been evolving as our customers did, to satisfy the basic human need to feed. A healthy, natural and balanced diet is thus promoted. By adding value to what they do, they create wealth and therefore help society and reinvest in the territory. Thus doing a social task and adding or developing new capabilities that allows them to be at the forefront of the meat market. And all this with great gusto. WEB



GBfoods is a multinational corporation specialized in the development, production and marketing of culinary products present in 70 countries on 4 continents, with leading brands in the sectors of Broths, Soups, Sauces, Desserts and other specialties.

It has 19 factories distributed across Europe and Africa with 3,600 collaborators, 2,000 in the industrial workforce and 1,600 in corporate services and business units. Annual turnover €1,300 million.

Since its inception, it has always been characterized by research and innovation in the field of the food industry and is a pioneer in new food preservation systems apart from traditional dehydration. Our effort; to adapt to the customs, tastes and traditions of each country allows us to be present 24 hours a day on the menu of millions of homes around the world. The categories in which we operate focus on culinary aids and meal solutions in any technology, both in the consumer market and in the Food Service market. WEB



Industrial Leridana del Frío SL, with the commercial name ILERFRED, is a company dedicated since 1986 to the design, execution and maintenance of refrigeration and controlled atmosphere installations, offering a global, close and fast service during the complete development of the of this type of facilities. ILERFRED has more than 4,000 m2 of facilities including workshops, materials warehouse, programming and control laboratory, compressor repair room, paint booth, welding stations, offices and garage. Its human team is more than 100 people and has a fleet of around 60 fully equipped vehicles. WEB


Ilnet UTE, with 200 employees, is the City Council's concessionaire to carry out waste collection, road cleaning and waste management services in the city of Lleida. It provides services 365 days a year, in three shifts: morning, afternoon and evening. It has a fleet of vehicles of about 80 units including trucks, machines, vans and small vehicles WEB



Lactalis Group, world leader in dairy products, with 90 years of history spanning three generations, has 85,500 collaborators and brands recognized worldwide. It is a family company with a presence in Spain since 1983. Globally, it is located in 85 countries, has 85,500 collaborators, operates in more than 270 factories and aims to offer consumers an increasingly wide range of healthy, tasty, safe and sustainable dairy products.

In Spain, in its determined commitment to the creation of value in the regions in which it operates, the Lactalis Group has 8 factories located in rural areas where more than 2,400 people work and collaborates with more than 2,000 livestock farmers, being the Spanish dairy company with more Animal Welfare certified farms.

Also committed to the circular economy, care for the environment and the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations, Lactalis has improved the sustainability of its packaging and reduced the water and carbon footprint of its chain of production Puleva, Lauki, RAM, El Castell, Gran Capità, Flor d'Esgueva, El Ventero, Xufi, Galbani or Président are some of the brands.WEB



Nufri, an agro-industrial group, is made up of four major divisions: fresh fruit, processed products, markets and energy, which ensure the group full traceability of all its products and a true circular economy.

The Group was born in 1973 by a group of producers from the Pla d'Urgell region of Lleida who were dedicated to fruit production. Currently, its associates are 400 farmers who produce 150,000 tons of fruit a year, mainly apples, pears, oranges, tangerines and peaches, which they preserve and market themselves. This group employs 2,000 people directly.

The enthusiasm, the passion for the land and the eagerness to overcome new challenges has allowed us to grow and progress, in order to adapt to the new demands of the national and international markets. WEB



Payper was established in Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) in 1973. Pioneers in Spain, from the beginning we have specialized in the design and manufacture of machinery for weighing, bagging and palletizing solutions.

We are currently the largest manufacturer in the Spanish bagging industry and one of the leading in Europe. Our team, which has about 100 highly skilled professionals, works at all times to meet the demands of the global market in terms of cost-effective and reliable equipment.

Payper develops and manufactures bagging machines for all types of bulk solids, such as powders and granules. Other important product ranges include palletizers and complete lines.

Our customers belong to the most varied sectors, from the agri-food industry to the chemical, mining or construction. Payper offers a comprehensive solution for each sector.

For us there are no needs or demands that are too small or too big. We supply baggers to small industrial plants with low production needs.

We also provide complete turnkey projects to customers who have high demands in terms of capacity and speed. What matters most to us is that our customers feel comfortable and satisfied with the solution we have developed for them. WEB



RCT Enginyeria is an engineering office that is ready, thanks to its professional team, to offer a comprehensive service to meet the needs of our customers. In addition, it has all the necessary means for the management process of accumulated business knowledge and that allows all the projects and needs of engineering, analysis, technical evaluation, economic, industrial design, calculation, as well as information systems for their administration, decision-making and human resources management.

Our interest is to satisfy the needs of our clients, with the confidence of being in collaboration with an office that is interested in and for the client in each project, being a challenge for our good work. WEB



Rigual's main activity is the design, manufacture, sale and after-sales service of:

  • Trailers and agricultural machinery
  • Tank and self-supporting tanks for the transport of liquid fuels, with or without supply and measurement equipment
  • Equipment on truck for irrigation and cleaning, sewer cleaning and other municipal services.

The company has a high degree of vertical integration and also designs and manufactures many of the equipment components. WEB



Romero Polo is a family business group founded in 1984 by José Antonio Romero Polo. The company brings together various activities related to the construction sector, offering a comprehensive work and maintenance service to both public and private bodies, and the services sector, with special dedication to the global management of the needs of municipalities WEB



Ros Roca's mission is to improve people's lives and their environment. Innovation and research are our main axes, which pushes our entire work system towards our main goal: a better, more modern, sustainable and environmentally friendly society.

We aim to provide our customers with a service in accordance with our essential values:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Quality
  • flexibility
  • Customer Orientation
  • Integrity Focuses its activity on the manufacture of equipment for waste collection and management.

He also designs and develops engineering process system applied to the environment. WEB



Sorigué is a solvent and dynamic business group, a benchmark in the sectors of technology and engineering of water, services, construction and materials, with a clear commitment to innovation and a vocation to return to society.

Founded in 1954, it has its origins in the production of aggregates and the treatment of asphalt. During these decades, Sorigué has experienced a constant expansion that, together with the increase in the volume of business, human resources and own resources, has resulted in the diversification of its areas of activity.

During these sixty years, the group has been able to evolve in response to market demands and maintaining solvent relationships with its customers and suppliers, which has allowed it, at the same time, to make a continuous reinvestment in its technical and human resources.

The company maintains an avant-garde position in both the development of new products and production methods: a constant evolution with the aim of creating value in each process and continuously innovating through excellence.

Sorigué has developed a comprehensive business model, with offices in the main Spanish cities and develops its activity throughout the country.

In addition, it has carried out important projects on an international scale. WEB



Tecnical Lleida SL was born from the company Motec Control (2009) engineering specialized in industrial automation which is made up of a team of 7 engineers and 2 specialist technicians.

In 2018 the company became part of the Tecnical group entering the technology distribution sector. It is currently formed by a team of 16 people.

The company works for the main industrial clients of the province of Lleida: BonArea, Mahou san Miguel, Sorigué, Olis Borgues, Top cable, ... it is a benchmark for the implementation of 4.0 systems in the sector. WEB



Técnicas Mecánicas Ilerdenses (TMI) is a company from Lleida in the flexible packaging sector. Specialized in the design and manufacture of integral dosing, bagging, palletizing and bagging lines. 70% of the lines we develop are for export in installations made in South America, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Canada and much of Europe.

The company is made up of approximately 120 people and 33 of these are part of the engineering team with different technical profiles: mechanical, electrical and automatic.

One of the distinguishing features is its focus on innovation and the continuous improvement of its products. WEB



We offer solutions to the needs of our customers that allow them to improve their vehicles in quality of service, competitiveness and efficiency.

TRADINSA is a leading company in the Spanish railway market.

The multidisciplinary sense of our work alongside our vocation for service enables our clients to find very advantageous solutions.

Our offer is a global and complete solution to the problem of aging trains, the loss of reliability of their equipment and the decrease in their safety. The synergies of our three business areas; Rehabilitations, Integral Maintenance and Manufacture of Machinery and testing equipment, together with a highly specialized human team allow us to find a comprehensive solution to all your problems.

Belonging to the CAF Group, we have been offering our services since 1997. Our Mission is to offer a comprehensive service ranging from Vehicle Rehabilitation to improving the efficiency of your equipment through proper maintenance.

Incorporating into its processes all the necessary equipment to help ensure the methods of work and staff training. WEB



The Vall Companys Group is a leading and solid group in the agri-food sector with a professional career that began in 1956.

The family character of the group, supported by a professional and highly involved human team, as well as a profit reinvestment policy, marks a business orientation based on progressive growth. The activities of the Group's more than 40 companies consist of flour plants, feed mills, meat production centers, pig, poultry and cattle slaughterhouses, own pharmaceutical laboratories specializing in animal health, insemination centers, incubators and a company. of logistics.

The Department of S.I. is centralized in Lleida and serves all Group companies. SI services include all kinds of activities necessary to service an industrial company with a turnover of around € 1.7 billion. and more than 3000 workers.

They are carried out from tasks related to corporate ERP (Microsoft Axapta, programming / consulting), through the creation of APP s, studies of AI algorithms applied to production processes, to those of systems and communications. and those of industrial devices, all related to each one of the sectors of Group. WEB